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U.S. Military Vets Motorcycle Club raises $3,700 to help Lennox families with school lunches

Students headed back to school on Wednesday, Aug. 21 and with the start of school some families have the challenge of being able to afford meals for their children. To address this, the U.S. Military Vets Motorcycle Club has stepped up to help raise money for those in need.

Dustin Lau, Secretary of the U.S. Military Vets Motorcycle Club SD-2 in Lennox, shared that the group has been actively raising funds to support families in the Lennox community who struggle to pay for school lunches. Their efforts culminated in a $1,650 donation. An anonymous donor also stepped up to match those funds and more, allowing the Club to present the school with a check for $3,700 this past Saturday, August 17.

“I would like to thank the Lennox US Military Veterans Motorcycle club and Tyler Lau for planning and organizing a fundraiser,” said Lennox School District Food Service Director, Robbin Symens. “They raised $3700 for the Pay it forward lunch account! I would also like to thank the community for your donations to the fundraiser. What a great way to support our families in the Lennox community! Thank You!”

The club used various means to help raise the funds. 

“We have an open house at our clubhouse on the last Saturday of each month,” Lau explained. “Most of these open houses have a theme—everything from karaoke to board games to adult prom. We provide food and entertainment and accept free-will donations. After each event, we sit down as a club, go over our bills, and vote on how much we’re going to put into the kitty.”

Lau said the more the club grows in the Lennox community the more they will be able to give back to organizations in need.  

“We all decided that when it comes down to it kids don’t have control on how much the families can and can’t afford. We shouldn’t punish a child by neglecting a child food,” added Lau.  

For others looking to help children in need in the district, the Lennox School District’s Pay it Forward lunch account allows anyone to contribute to help a family in need. 

Donations can be made by writing “Pay it Forward” on the memo line of a check. The funds are used for reimbursable meals, and with input from administrators and teachers, the Food Service Director and Lunch Account Administrator determine where the need is greatest.

To make a donation, contact Symens at 605-647-2203 ext. 5010 or stop by the school’s business office. 


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