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Re-zone at Lennox Industrial Park approved; East Dakota Beef has opted to pursue other locations

Re-zoning was approved to allow heavy industrial at 27961 South Dakota Highway 17, Lennox.

The change in zoning at the land in Lennox Industrial Park south of Town was approved at the Planning and Zoning meeting on Jan. 28, following the public hearing.

The re-zoned land is owned by the Gene Kuper family. On the Special Permit application, it states the proposed work as, “East Dakota Beef Processing proposes an 80 ft. x 220 ft. processing plant to be located on a ten acre plat…50-150 maximum daily cattle processing capacity to be accomplished in house. No outside holding pens required. Cattle to be trucked in as required. Processed beef product sold commercially. Anticipate up to approximately 55 employees.”

Several members of the public voiced concerns at the public hearing on Jan. 28.

Members of the Planning and Zoning made clear the approval of the re-zoning from light industrial to heavy industrial was a vote in favor of the land use, not necessarily the businesses looking at purchasing the land.

Lennox City Administrator Nathan Vander Plaats also clarified that now it will move on to the Lennox City Council. Where, after approval of the rezoning ordinance, the project could move forward to the next step of the zoning process, which would be a conditional use permit.

The City of Lennox was scheduled to host several open houses in February for residents to ask questions about the potential beef processing project. However, the City of Lennox announced Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021 that the Open Houses were cancelled, as East Dakota Beef has opted to pursue other locations for their facility.

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