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LHS students prepare for regional One Act performance

Lennox High School’s drama department is preparing for a powerful performance of the One Act play “Whispers” by Kendra Thomas, produced by permission of Pioneer Drama. The play, which explores themes of loss and grief, will be directed by Christi Sayler and is set to compete in the regional competition on Jan. 24.

Sayler, who first read the script almost three years ago, knew she had to direct it. “I don’t think any of the students cast in the One Act have done a drama before so it has been a great learning experience,” she said. “We have all had some hard moments and some tears as we have worked through our characters but I think all of the students will tell you that it has been a great experience for them.”

Auditions for the One Act Play were held the last week of November. Students were given ten minutes with a monologue from the script to read it and prepare before coming in to audition.

“I wanted everyone to have the same amount of prep time to see how they could relate to a grieving character without the benefit of coaching or much preparation,” said Sayler. “As many of the characters have to stand alone and share their story, I wanted to see how individuals could deliver dialogue while adding character without the benefit of someone else to play off.”

Sayler said this was the hardest show she has ever had to cast. The cast members include Miriam Welch, Kathryn Loewe, Lilly Sanchez, Noah Sayler, Nate Collette, Alek Kilene, EmilyRose Harrington, Lizzy Reick, Zander Hazuka, Valicity VanBriesen, Charlee Jorgensen, and Emersen Lee. The crew members are Jensen Hoefert, Olivia Dohlmann, Reanna Decker, Tyler Strasser, and Brock Barrett.

The One Act competition is a unique experience for the drama department, as it is a smaller cast and has a shorter rehearsal time. Additionally, the set must be portable and easy to move around, as the team has only 45 minutes to set up, perform, and clear the stage.

The regional competition will take place in Canton and will be open to the public. If Lennox places in the top two in the Region they will have the opportunity to compete at the State Competition scheduled to be held Feb. 3-5.

“We have an extremely talented region so it is always fun to attend the regional competition and watch the other schools,” said Sayler.

The play the LHS students will be putting on tells the story of Kate, who is alone in the woods grieving the death of her dad, an Iraq war casualty, and lamenting a move to Texas. Her best friend Jamie finds her in this peaceful place and tries to support her, though she cannot fully understand the pain of losing a parent. Kate and the other characters, known as the “Whispers,” share their stories of loss and grief in an effort to never forget.

The public performance of “Whispers” will take place on January 28th at 7:30 p.m. at the Lennox High School Cafetorium.


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