The Lincoln County Commission met on the morning of March 22 to discuss parcel sale listings, county bids, the BIG Grant agreement, a workforce grant, “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day,” County Aid Liens, caseworker services agreements, and abatements. Before adjourning, commissioners held a work session preparing for the Board of Equalization.
Commissioner Mike Poppens presented to the board the survey of the area for sale from the area to transfer to the City of Tea to enhance water retention along Nine Mile Creek. The survey was conducted by IMEG and a logical separation of the parcel was completed. Motion carried.
Commissioner Poppens motioned to enter into an agreement for listing and authorizing NAI Sioux Falls to list the 44.3 acres at an agreed upon listing price. Motion carried.
Highway Superintendent Terry Fluit has sought approval to purchase supplies from a Yankton County bid for crack sealant and mastic sealant. Motion approved.
Commissioners approved and authorized the chair to execute a BIG Grant agreement with SD DOT on 42-148-050 regarding the Lake Alvin bridge structure.
Wendy Sweeter is seeking approval and authorization to submit a workforce grant for the 4-H facility. Sweeter is applying for a grant through the State of South Dakota to place a swine education facility on the fairgrounds. Commissioners motioned to approve.
Susan Irons presented the proclamation designating March 29, 2022 as “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day.” This was to be read in the Commission Chambers on March 29 at 11:00 a.m.
Madam Auditor Sheri Lund is requesting the approval to settle the County Aid Liens lacking personal identifying information. These liens do not have enough information to prove identity in order to collect or prove death. They are effectively noncollectable. The most recent lien date for these applications is 1993 and the earliest being 1972. Motion approved 3-2.
Auditor Lund is also requesting to approve compromise of County Aid Liens due to deaths in 2016. These are all liens for individuals that died in 2016. The process is to compromise liens with dates of death equal to or older than 5 years to maintain cleaner records by eliminating accounts that will not be paid. Motion approved.
Commissioners approved and authorized Chair to execute agreement for caseworker services. This is the annual contract for renewal for Minnehaha County to provide casework services for Lincoln County. Two major changes seen in the contract include: automatic contract renewal and a decrease in the amount Lincoln County is paying towards the caseworker’s health insurance.
Commissioners approved an abatement due to veteran exemption under SDCL 10-4-40 and abatements on parcel and
Director of Equalization Karla Goossen held a work session with commissioners for the Board of Equalization. Goossen presented scheduling, appeal numbers by city/township, assessment changes for 2022, a 1–3-year statistical study, and a preview of information provided to all boards of equalization. After discussion, Commissioners and Auditor Lund drafted a schedule for the appeal process. The County/Consolidate Board will begin April 12th, 2022 and is scheduled to end May 3rd, 2022. Commissioners will begin appeal hearings on April 18th.