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County Commission addresses rezoning, mental health services, and budget updates

With all members present, the Lincoln County Commissioners met Tuesday, Feb. 4 in the Lincoln County Boardroom. Commissioners heard agenda items including rezone updates, Behavioral Health agreements, and budget timelines.

The first item brought before the commission was deferred from the January 28 meeting pursuant to SDCL 7-8-18. Board action for an Ordinance of Lincoln County, SD, changing the zone of the property described as Iken’s Tract 2, SW1/4 SW1/4, Section 21-T99N-R51W Perry Township from the A-1 Agricultural District to the C Commercial District and amending the Official Zoning Map of Lincoln County. The applicant is requesting a change of zone from the A-1 Agricultural District to the C Commercial District on approximately 4.85 acres. 

Chairwoman Tiffani Landeen stated that the public hearing was held at the last meeting, and she would not be taking public comment on the agenda item. Motion to approve by Joel Arends for a change in the rezone, seconded by Doug Putnam. With no discussion, the motion failed 3-2.

Civil Deputy State’s Attorney, Joe Meader was present to request board action to execute the 2025 agreement with Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare to allow for Mobile Crisis Team services for Lincoln County agencies. Meader, along with Kim Hansen and Tiffany Wolfgang, who are the directors of support services, were present to answer any question the commission may have on their program. 

“For those that don’t know, Lincoln County, a service we perform for the county is to pay for involuntary commitments, which occur if Lincoln County is the referring County for individuals who are brought to Avera Behavioral, who are on an active mental health crisis. In 2010 our legislature took a step back and said okay, we’ve learned a lot in the past 30 years on how mental health crisis work and how those individuals are to be treated. The previous language of the statue said that law enforcement agents shall deliver an individual who is having a mental health crisis to Avera Behavioral, they had no other options,” he said.  

Motion by Jim Schmidt, seconded by Arends, motion carried.

Assistant Highway Superintendent, Jared Narum stood in for Terry Fluit to request board action to authorize the highway superintendent to advertise for bids for the 2025 striping project. With no question from the public or the commission, the motion was approved unanimously.

Auditor Sheri Lund was present for discussion regarding the 2026 budget process and timelines. 

“We set up a budget committee, and the purpose of the committee was to create a solid process for the budget to include timelines, job separation, and workflow. The committee members included myself, Jim Schmidt, Jake Oakland, Toby Brown, and Paul Anderson and we reviewed the budget calendar and planning cycle which was part of the agenda and set out the timeline for when everything was going to be done,” Lund said. Lund requested the Commission set an amount for the budget increase for the upcoming year. The commission thanked Lund for the report.

Human Resources Director, Traci Humphrey requested board action to approve employee handbook updates. 

“We have four points to go over, first is to amend the extended sick leave assistance program, currently the language for that is too vague, we want to amend that to require that you must have 24 hours of contribution before the use of the program,” she said. 

Humphrey also made changes to amending payments of benefits when an employee is on FMLA. Short-term disability is now being offered as part of the benefit program, and language needed to be updated, and weather emergency policies for employees who must report to work for public safety. 

Commissioner Betty Otten asked a question on the weather emergency updates asking if there is an emergency, where will staff be housed? 

“The goal is to have cots available for them to stay in the building that they are already reporting to for work. We’ve talked with buildings and grounds, and we already have some cots available,” Humphrey responded. 

Motion by Otten, seconded by Arends to approve updates, motion carried.

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