The Lincoln County Commissioners met Tuesday, January 14 in the Lincoln County Boardroom. With all members present, the commission heard agenda items including legal newspaper amendments, justice center updates, and bids for preservation projects.
Assistant Commission Administrative Assistant, Paul Anderson requested board discussion and possible action regarding an amendment to Lincoln County’s designated legal newspapers.
“We had this item last week to designate legal newspapers for Lincoln County, the SDCL says you need to have three legal newspapers if there are at least three that meet the definition. Sioux Valley News has brought up a point that they do meet the requirements,” Anderson said.
Chairwoman Tiffani Landeen asked for public opinion on the item.
Chad Skiles was first to speak at the podium.
“I just wanted to talk about a few things regarding the decision last week, first off, the decision in of itself did not fulfill the requirements of three legal newspapers simply because State Statute 17-2-2.4 states a legal newspaper shall for at least one year prior to publication of legal and official notices maintain a known office of publication in the community where it’s mailing permit of original entry is issued for the purpose of business. Yes, the Lennox Independent meets that requirement, yes, the Tea Weekly meets that requirement. But no, the Dakota Scout does not. The Dakota Scout has a legal address in downtown Sioux Falls, so they can be a legal newspaper for Minnehaha County, City of Sioux Falls, but they cannot for Lincoln County,” said Skiles.
“And just as a precursor, I do want to say, this is nothing against the Dakota Scout, I believe they’re a great newspaper, I subscribe to the newspaper, they are my go-to regional newspaper, but they cannot be a legal newspaper for Lincoln County. The second part I want to talk about is the defending of the Sioux Valley News. The Sioux Valley News has been a paper since before South Dakota was a state. They represent pretty much the whole eastern half of Lincoln County, have always been a good steward to Lincoln County and the City of Canton. The Sioux Valley News is a local paper right here in Canton, it’s owned by someone who lives and pays taxes right here in Canton, the business is located right here in Canton, and it is the main coverage for three towns, Canton, Harrisburg, and I’m going to count Fairview because it’s a town. The way they were treated last week was disturbing to me, some of the words that were said by a certain commissioner and the fact that the motion to exclude them from being a legal newspaper, the motion was made by Commissioner Arends who represents Harrisburg, one of the towns that is covered by Sioux Valley News, and Commissioner Otten, who is supposed to cover and stand up for the town of Canton. I’m asking you to reconsider and name Sioux Valley News as the third official legal newspaper for Lincoln County,” Skiles continued.
“I’d like to remind everybody that Sioux Falls is the largest town, the largest community in Lincoln County. Do we forget that? When you go there, you’ve got about 75 percent of your population that lives there,” Commissioner Jim Schmidt responded.
Teresa Zomer, owner, publisher of the Sioux Valley News was present to make a comment.
“Yes, I do live in Canton, I own a building in Canton, pay taxes in Canton. We print out of state because it’s cheaper for the consumer, yes it in return saves money for you guys. In the end, our subscription is cheaper than anyone is in South Dakota right now. Just to let you know, the Lennox Independent and the Tea Weekly are owned out of state by somebody in Wyoming, they do not own their building, they rent their building. There is no printer in Lincoln County, that’s why we have to go elsewhere to get it printed, and by the word printed, that means they print our newspapers but all of our money, our sales, our revenue, and sales tax are in Lincoln County. I just want to let you know the rules and the laws because it’s evidentially not knowing open meetings, I brought one for everybody, good to refresh on them, also in the newspaper laws to let you guys know all the requirements that newspapers have to go through in order to be a legal newspaper. The laws are you can only be the legal newspaper on one county, so the Dakota Scout will never be an official Lincoln County newspaper, unless they open a separate newspaper, publish for a full year, and operate as a different name, different company, in Lincoln County,” she said.
A motion was made by Schmidt to amend the designated legal newspapers to Sioux Valley News, the Lennox Independent, and Tea Weekly and publish additionally in the Dakota Scout, seconded by Betty Otten. Motion carried 3-2 with Doug Putnam and Joel Arends voting no.
Tegra, JLG, and Henry Carlson were present to give a report on the Lincoln County Justice Center. Julie Dotzenrod was present to give a background on the project. Dotzenrod reminded the commission the building will be a three-story steel structure with precast façade, with the main level being for courtroom functions, the second floor will be used for courtrooms of various sizes, and the third floor is half empty and half for the states attorney right now but will eventually be transformed to courtrooms. Project Manager for Henry Carlson, Chris Johnson, was present to give an update on the construction and the construction budget.
“Over the last couple months we’ve been working on footings and foundations, we’ve got the elevator shafts built and then we’ve got all the structural pre-cast stuff out there. We started with structural steel deliveries through the holidays, most of that is on site now and we’re starting to stand up structural steel and that will continue over the next couple of months,” he said.
Commissioner Arends asked if the project was under budget. Dotzenrod responded that the bidding went well and Henry Carlson is putting the numbers together now and everything is on schedule.
Chairwoman Landeen read the first reading for an Ordinance of Lincoln County, SD, changing the zone of the property described as Iken’s Tract 2, SW1/4 SW1/4, Section 21-T99N-R51W Perry Township from the A-1 Agricultural District to the C Commercial District and amending the Official Zoning Map of Lincoln County. Location: Parcel:099.51.21.D200. There is no public input as it is the first reading. The second reading and public hearing will be on January 28.
Highway Assistant Superintendent, Jared Narum requested board action to authorize the chair to execute the Right of Way Certificate and Utilities Certificate for the Bridge Improvement Grant for structure 42-244-255, PCN 09M1.
“This is just formalities for a preservation project. This is to certify that we don’t need to take any right of way for temporary permanent, and also no utilities are being moved,” he said.
With no public input, motion by Arends, seconded by Schmidt. Motion passed unanimously.
Narum next requested board action to authorize the highway superintendent to advertise for bids for preservation projects for structures 42-244-255 (PCN 09M1), 42-020-201 (PCN 09M0), and 42-175-153 (PCN 09RC).
“We are looking to go to bid on our preservation projects, we have three structures that we were awarded a big grant from from the state and we are just looking to go to bid,” he said.
Motion by Arends, seconded by Otten, motion approved.
Narum asked for board action to authorize the chair to sign a letter requesting assistance from South Dakota Carrier Services for the enforcement of load limits in Lincoln County. Commissioner Arends stated he has heard concerns from the townships about how this will impact gravel roads and if he feels people are tearing up the roads due to weight limits.
“Yes, there are, big farm, big trucks, and tractors, right, and even though we have spring load limits on, they’re still trying to do their stuff, and if the townships are having issues, contact the sheriff’s department and that’s kind of the process that we go through also,” he said.
Motion by Arends, seconded by Schmidt, motion approved.
Treasurer Francene Hofer was present for a briefing of upcoming motor vehicle systems implementation.
“I am just here to inform you and the public that on February 14 the treasurers office will not be able to do any motor vehicle transactions, the state is getting a new system, and we will be down on the 14th. The office will still be open with a reduced staff to handle any tax payments that come in and the kiosks and online portals are also going to be down starting February 7 for the state,” she said.
Civil Attorney, Joe Meader was present to request board action to authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement for professional Services for Airport Project Number AIP 3-46-0078-025-2025 with Helms & Associates.
“This is for Helms & Associates to conduct a feasibility study and design for the South expansion of our hangers at the airport,” he said. Motion by Arends, seconded by Schmidt, motion carried 4-1 with Otten being the no vote.