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Commissioners execute an agreement with the SD DOT

By Naylah Johnson

The Lincoln County Commissioners met on the morning of April 26th to host several public hearings, approve county bids, and to execute agreements with the South Dakota Department of Transportation. Before adjourning, the 2022 Lincoln County Board of Equalization convened to discuss tabled items.

The first public hearing held was to consider the following application for a Temporary On-Sale Malt Beverage License to operate outside of a municipality for Jon and Denise Hanson located at 34.12 Acres in Northeast Quarter including Railroad Property 29-99.51, Lincoln County, South Dakota, for a special event on September 17, 2022. The applicant is seeking to authorize the lawful procession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the County property known as the Lincoln County Fairgrounds on September 17, 2022, for the purpose of a special event by the party renting said property for that purpose and on that date. Let it be known that this action by the Board in no way authorizes the sale of alcoholic beverages on said property.

Motion was approved.

The next public hearing held was to consider a petition to vacate the following described right of way: That portion of Right of Way lying between Sections 8 and 9, Township 100 North, Range 51 West of the 5th P.M., beginning at the South Right of Way Boundary of 268th Street and extending South to a point of intersection with the Northerly Right of Way of South Dakota Highway 17. Motion was approved.

The final public hearing held was to consider a petition to vacate the following described highway: Starting point Highway 11 to be vacated Parcel ID: 100.50.64.N001 ending point Parcel ID: (owned by East River Power Corp).

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