The Lincoln County Commissioners met for a special board meeting Tuesday, April 30 in the Lincoln County Boardroom. Commissioners heard agenda items regarding the Justice Center project.
Commission Admin Officer, Steve Rasmussen joined the meeting to introduce Julie Dotzenrod of the TEGRA Group and Mike Ralston of Henry Carlson Construction to present a status update on the construction of the Lincoln County Justice Center.
“Bid pack two will have all the other items on the project and will be received on May 9 and then after that we will be on site on May 13,” Dotzenrod said.
Commissioner Jim Schmidt stated the board needed to appoint a Justice Center Building Committee, made up of at least two commissioners, which shall have the authority to make timely decisions and sign documents, up to $100,000, for the construction of the Lincoln County Justice Center project. Chief Civil Deputy State’s Attorney, Drew DeGroot was present if any commissioner had any questions.
“Back in 2023 there was an original motion for the chair at the time to sign an agreement to hasten or speed up the process. This is a clarifying motion to have two members of the board to review and these members will have the responsibility to review your standard agreements and also have the ability to sign change orders up to $100,000. It would also be their responsibility to make sure that the rest of the commission is informed of any changes,” he said.
Commissioner Mike Poppens nominated Commissioner Tiffani Landeen and Commissioner Jim Jibben for that role. Motion approved.
Rasmussen joined the meeting for board action to approve JLG Architects’ proposal to redesign access to the Lincoln County Justice Center along N. West Street for $80,400.
“This is a proposal for a redesign for a sewer utility along North West. I have Lynn Remmers from JLG architects available if you have any questions about the proposal,” he said.
Schmidt asked Remmers to explain to the board what the redesign covers and what it will mean for moving the project forward.
“This proposal is for redesign services, architectural, civil, and mechanical services. It will be taking the utilities which is the sewer to the building and moving it from our proposed location which is currently designed in the easement and going over to West Street. Civil plans and documentations all need to be revised to accommodate that work,” Remmers said.
The time frame to have new designs made would be 12 weeks but there are not concerns at this time that it will impact start time on the building. Motion approved with Commissioner Poppens voting no.