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City Council discusses speed limits, lift station upgrade

The Lennox City Council met Monday, February 24 at Lennox City Hall. Mayor Danny Fergen and council members heard agenda items including public comment, speed limits, and added to the agenda — the main lift station control panel upgrade.

To start the meeting, Mayor Fergen asked for public comments on items not on the agenda. Local resident, John Cassidy stood to bring his concerns to the board. 

“We’re here tonight to ask the City Council to make an ordinance to allow the police to be able to deal with the idling and reefer trucks within city limits. Right now, when the police are called, they can only see if the operator of the truck is there and ask them to move. They cannot do anything else, so most times those trucks remain. On July 15, 2021, my wife Lisa, and some residents on our block raised concerns about the noise levels and dust at a city council meeting. On July 21, 2021, the following week at another city council meeting, it was stated that an ordinance targeting specific behavior would end up penalizing one specific business, what could easily be considered an activity central to their business and customers. It was decided to have a meeting between all parties, after this meeting, Total Stop added concrete to their parking lot and placed a couple signs saying no idling,” Cassidy said. He also stated the signs worked for a while, but he has still had to call the police at least a half dozen times as he has noticed an increase of trucks idling. 

“We have no problem with any trucks parking there, we have a problem with them running,” he continued. The Council thanked Cassidy for his time.

For the past few meetings, the council and City Administrator, Nate Vander Plaats have been discussing speed limit restrictions throughout the city, resulting in Ordinance 657. 

“We have discussed and prepared updates to speed limits throughout the community, so following the February 10 meeting, made changes to reflect a 15 miles per hour (MPH) zone on Elm just North of 5th Avenue to Highway 44, a 10 MPH zone on Park Drive, and a 20 MPH on all other streets,” Vander Plaats said. A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 657 was made by Sam Bowers, seconded by Lauren Van Driel.

The City of Lennox has prepared bids for improvements and repairs to be made at the Lennox Historical Museum and the Westerman Park Bandshell. 

“Bids for this project were prepared by Koch Hazard Architects and opened on February 6. Two bids were received, with wide variation in the bid amounts. Koch Hazard recommends awarding the bid to Schwartzle Construction for $230,533,” Vander Plaats said. 

The City has budgeted $150,000 for repairs at the museum, and the Council added the Bandshell project after the budget was approved. Motion approved unanimously.

In the beginning of the meeting, Vander Plaats requested to have an agenda item added to the agenda regarding the main lift station panel control upgrade. Kyle Ramynke, Utilities Superintendent was present for discussion. 

“The reason this is in front of you today is the budget for 2025 for the control panel was only for $25,000 where this quote came in higher than that at $61,000. In the Power Point I put together, it kind of explains each part of that quote and what exactly is all happening,” he said. 

Ramynke stated the repairs are for an emergency replacement because of age and condition the panel is in. 

“In the case of a fault, some of those components may not be replaceable which would require a complete control upgrade regardless,” he continued. 

The new equipment will include what Ramynke described as a VFD which will control the pump speed to throttle the pumps more efficiently. 

“This also includes a level transducer instead of the current float configuration, this will control the pumps and the VFD so the level can be maintained at a constant level that will also have continuous wastewater plant,” he said. 

The remaining funds will be taken out of the sewer fund. The motion was approved with Chad Swier abstaining due to not being in person and unable to see the new information being presented. 

It was also announced on Friday of last week this year’s City Council Election will be held on April 8. 

Candidate information is as follows: Candidates for Mayor: Danny Fergen; Candidates for Ward 1 Alderman: None; Candidates for Ward 2 Alderman: Chad Swier; Candidates for Ward 3 Alderman, 1-Year Term: Lauren Van Driel; Candidates for Ward 3 Alderman, 2-Year Term: Nick Cable and Laura Thiese. 

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