The Lennox City Council met Monday, July 10 to discuss agenda items including outstanding bills, real estate discussion and public comment.
Bret Wynja joined the meeting during the public comment period.
“First, I want to thank you guys for getting involved on the third and fourth with the dunk tank, it was a nice addition and raised money for the park. Second, I’m going to jump the gun and on the fourth of July for next year, and ask if you guys are looking to change the fireworks ordinance for the town? I noticed a lot of neighboring communities changed their ordinances a little bit to allow some fireworks on certain days and certain times just to try to cut down on calls to the city and give people a little freedom since the town has an old fashioned fourth of July, it would be nice to look into at least. The last thing, when I was sitting in the park for the community worship, I noticed the trees are getting pretty rough and I don’t know what you guys have going on looking into it, but I would be willing to volunteer to help trim what we do have and maybe raise some money to try and get some decent trees put in,” Wynja said.
Alderman Chad Swier asked Wynja what he saw in neighboring communities with their fireworks.
“I didn’t pay too close of attention because I don’t really light fireworks off, I don’t have time, and my kids are a little too young yet, but I think it depends on when the fourth is, and I think they looked into when people are probably going to get together, and they said it has to be done at 10:30 or 11 p.m. and stick a little harder to the time,” Wynja said.
The Council thanked Wynja for his time.
City Administrator, Nate Vander Plaats shared with the council two requests for assistance with long-standing bills due to the City ambulance service, Dells Ambulance Service.
“Dells Ambulance Service forwarded to the City of Lennox two applications for financial assistance for ambulance bills that are both over 180 days old. In order to protect confidentiality, the applications and supporting materials have been added to your packets under executive content only,” Vander Plaats said.
The two long-standing bills were for $755.30 and $346.14. VanderPlaats is attempting to work on payment plans with the applicants.
“Without evidence of additional hardship, it is difficult to justify a write-off of these amounts. Both applicants are employed at full-time positions and appear capable of making minimum payments on the amount due. I would prefer to make arrangements for a payment plan for both applicants, even if those monthly payments are minimal. Such a plan would allow us to pull the bills back from collections,” he said.
Vander Plaats recommended denying both applications for financial assistance. Motion to deny passed.
The City of Lennox owns two properties in Lennox that are of minimal use to the City as a local government
“I would like to have a discussion to see what the council would like to see happen with the two properties. The first one is at 505 South Garfield, it was first bought as use for an eventual west bound Fifth Avenue, but I do think that would be next to impossible. The next one is the two lots on Second Avenue, it was demolished last winter and we don’t have any use for it at this point,” Vander Plaats said.
“Could you use the lot at South Garfield to put a house on it,” Swier asked.
Vander Plaats told him it appeared to meet the standards for a residence. Vander Plaats is going to get market analysis done on the property.