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Lennox’s Old Fashioned 4th packed with events

This Sunday events will kick-off the 35th annual Old Fashioned 4th of July festivities in Lennox.

Sunday, July 1st there will be the traditional Sunday worship in the park at 10:30 a.m. Worship go-ers are invited to bring a lawn chair. A free-will offering meal will follow.

Also on Sunday, July 1st will be the Lennox Volunteer Fire Dept. Water Fight at 1:30 p.m. Spectators are welcome to attend; the event is held at the Fire Station located at 206 S. Juniper St., Lennox.

The remainder of the events take place on July 3rd and 4th. On Tuesday, July 3rd car enthusiasts are encouraged to come out for Cruise Night. This is open to everyone, all kinds of vehicles will cruise up and down Main Street Lennox.

New this year will be the Burnout Contest from 5 to 8 p.m. behind the former Kruse Lumber Building on North Main Street. There is no entry fee and trophies will be awarded. The entrance will be at First and Poplar. Heading up the contest is Shawn DeVries.

Another event going on Tuesday night will be the Quilt Show sponsored by In His Steps: Pathways for Peace. It will be open on July 3rd at Lennox Elementary from 3 to 7 p.m. ​Admission $5.

The big event though will be the Lennox Street Dance on Tuesday!

The Lennox Commercial Club’s 6th Annual Lennox Street Dance will be held on Tuesday, July 3rd from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m., playing this year will be The Johnny Holm Band. Tickets are available at Cenex Total Stop, Sunshine, Ace Hardware, and Lewis Drug in Lennox, cost is $7 in advance and $10 at the gate.

Wednesday, July 4th things will get started early with the Firecracker Road Race at 8:00 a.m. Races include 1 & 2 mile and 5K, 10K. Registration begins at 7 a.m. at Lennox High School; race begins at 8 a.m.; Pre-registration: $25 for both 5K and 10K races; For the 1 and 2 mile, $10 pre-registration at the city office and $15 the day of the race. The race is sponsored by the Lennox Lions Club

The 4th of July Parade will begin at 10:30 a.m. Register at the Sinning Sports Complex on the corner of HWY 17 & HWY 44. The parade route will begin at the south end of Main Street and head north to 1st Avenue. On 1st, it will turn West to Elm Street. The route will then head south on Elm Street to Highway 44. There will be no parking on Main Street from Hwy 44 to 4th Ave.

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