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Council remembers Almond with moment of silence

Lennox City Council started their meeting on Monday night with a moment of silence for Roger Almond, the City’s Water Superintendent who died in an automobile accident on July 5.

After approving minutes, claims and payroll, Mayor Orville Wiebers asked if any visitors not on the agenda would like to be heard.

Aaron Kjose, who lives on Main St. across from the baseball fields, asked when the foul ball net would be put back up. He said that they have incurred considerable costs due to foul balls hitting their home and vehicles. He said the net that had been up came down three or four years ago and hadn’t been replaced.

Wiebers said that the net replacement was in the budget this year, but because volunteer help wanted to put up a few rows of planks and then the net, it wouldn’t be done until after the ball season.

He added that a net would stop maybe half of the foul balls, but not all of them. Kjose said he was aware of that, but it would help.

Brock Rops, who lives on Academy, then talked about his concerns with the construction near his home.

Ross Kuchta, with Stockwell Engineers, explained that the contractor was three to four weeks behind schedule. He said that the alley phase of the project would start earlier than expected and hopefully the contractors would get caught up. Construction is expected to continue into late October to early November. “They should be able to get it done by then,” he added.

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