Lincoln County authorities have identified the gunman and victims in the Feb. 12th workplace shooting at Sioux Steel - ProTec Building in Lennox, SD.
The authorities believe the gunman entered the building, shot two people and got into an altercation with the third victim; after which he left the building.
The gunman was identified as Jeffrey DeZeeuw, a semi-truck driver from Sioux Falls who was a driver, either contracted or employed by Sioux Steel Company. Authorities say it is likely he shot himself after the incident. His body was found next to a burned out semi-trailer south of Lennox.
The victims of the shooting have been identified as Jon Richter, of Lennox, who died as a result of the shooting and Kathy Steever, of Lennox, who was recovering from her injuries Friday morning in the hospital.
The third victim, Brian Roesler, of Marion, confronted the gunman and was struck in the head several times. He was treated and released for his injuries.
All three of the victims are employees of Sioux Steel Company and were working at the ProTec building.
Lennox Police are crediting Roesler with bringing about "the best possible resolution to a senseless, horrifying incident."
Watch next week's Lennox Independent for more details on this story.